Taylor Street Elementary School

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Pickup & Drop Off Procedures


Student supervision begins at 8:00 in the morning.  Please do not drop students off before 8:00 as there is no supervision for them. Students must be dropped off at the traffic circle and not on Taylor Street.

Picking Up Students Before School is Over

We believe that every hour in school is important to your child. If you can, please try to let them stay in school for the whole day.

If you must pick up your child before school is out, please come in to the office so that we can have you sign the student out. We will ask for identification. Please remember that persons not listed on your child's emergency card cannot pick up your child. Our goal is to keep your children safe from harm. District policy states that students may not change transportation arrangements without a written note to either the school office or to the teacher, unless it is an emergency. If you have an emergency, please call us.

Pick-Up Time

Please pick up your children as soon as their classes are out. Students who have no rides by fifteen minutes after school is out will be kept safely in the office until you come for them. If a child has not been picked up by 4:00 PM, and if we cannot get in touch with the parents, we will be very concerned and may have to call the police for assistance.

If you have to be more than 15 minutes late, please make arrangements for someone else to pick up your child. There is no child care between the lower grade dismissal at 2:10 and the upper grade dismissal at 2:50.

Extended Day

Our extended day program is designed to provide help to students in grades 1-3 who need extra assistance. Each trimester, teachers select a group of students who need more learning time. These students receive small group instruction for 40 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:13 – 2:53. Parents are notified if their child is chosen for this special program.